Our Registered Addresses
We work flexibly at Autovista Group and our people are encouraged to work wherever they choose depending on what is best for them, for their role, and for our customers. We do not work from company offices, but we do have the following registered addresses for post and important documents.
Australia Glass's Information T: +61 3 9657 8200 Email: info@glassguide.com.au |
Austria Eurotax Österreich GmbH T: +43 720 5474 20 Email: vienna@eurotax.at
Belgium Autovista Benelux SA/NV T: +32 2 672 34 64 Email: info@eurotaxglass.be |
Czech Republic Autovista Czech sro T: +420 606 638 748 Email: info@eurotax.cz |
Finland Autovista Oy T: +358 (0) 9 4245 1177 Email: asiakaspalvelu@autovista.fi |
France Autovista France s.a.r.l. T: +33 1 46 08 11 22 Email: info@autovista.fr |
Germany Schwacke GmbH T: +49 69 80 88 39 00 Email: info@schwacke.de |
Hungary Autovista Magyarország Kft T: +36 1 701 17 50 Email: eurotax@eurotax.hu |
Italy Autovista Italia s.r.l., c/o PWC T: +39 02 82956248 |
Norway Rødboka AS T: +47 995 70 406 Email: customer@rodboka.no |
Poland Autovista Polska Sp. z o.o T: +4 22 858 21 75 Email: sprzedaz@eurotax.pl |
Portugal Centro Empresarial Sintra/Estoril, V Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, nº. 169, Armazém A1 Linhó 2710-144 Sintra T: +351 21 324 06 10 F: +351 21 343 33 56 Email: eurotax@eurotax.pt |
Romania Eurotax Romania T: +40 21 2329920 Email: eurotax@eurotax.ro |
Slovakia Eurotax Slovakia sro T: +421 2 5020 7419 F: +421 2 5020 7419 Email: eurotax@eurotax.sk |
Slovenia Eurotax d.o.o. T: +386 1 280 20 00 F: +386 1 280 20 09 Email: info@eurotax.si |
Spain Autovista Spain, SA T: +34 91 575 52 95 Email: eurotaxes@eurotax.es |
Sweden Autovista Inter-Global AB Box 92138 T: +46 (0) 8 564 354 70 Email: info@autovista.se |
Sweden EV-volumes T: +46 (0) 8 564 354 70 Email: customer@ev-volumes.se |
Switzerland Eurotax Schweiz T: +41 55 588 02 60 Email: ccc@eurotax.ch |
United Kingdom Autovista Group Suite 1 Email: insights@autovistagroup.com |
United Kingdom Glass's Information Services Ltd T: +44 (0) 20 3897 2500 Email: customer@glass.co.uk |